

Technorati Profile

This is a blog that has the code that technorati needs me to put in to "claim" my blog. They say do one and delete it. But isn't the whole thing supposed to be as transparent as possible?

So I claim my bog!

And I claim my id! (an excellent online tool that not that many people seem to know about!)
Beth Lapides

And I claim a tenfold return on my blog!

The Abundance People say claiming the tenfold return is the key to "right giving" to mix Buddha and Christian philosphy. I try to remember. Then I just give without claiming. Silly me. Of course Yoda says there is not trying only doing. And in yoga we learn that over efforting can be as disasterous as underefforting - any other Type A Free Spirits out there? But when i have remembered to claim a tenfold return on giving it has yielded interesting results.

And while we are on giving, Halloween always troubles me. I don't want to give candy, especially now with my newfound superfoodism. But what are you going to do, give kids an unpackaged Zen Muffin? A handful of cacao nibs? So I usually just pretend I'm not home. Otherwise the Milky Ways sit there asking me so many questions that i do not want to answer. i claim my right not to give candy and to not feel guilty. And to give the kids crystals instead. I claim the right to go back in time and not have eaten those giant bags full of white cane sugar.

Today is the day that the "veil is the thinnest between the worlds". I claim my ability to see through the veil.

Gotta go claim another cup of coffee (it's got ground cacao in it:)

What do you claim?

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